Loch Seilge / Na Caorach

Loch Seilge / Na Caorach is for members only You must be logged in to make a booking. Click here to log in or register.

1st April - 30th September

To book transport to and from lochs phone Malcolm (head keeper) 07724 876376 at least 24hrs in advance with a return fee of £25.

All anglers wishing to access these lochs after the start of July should contact the head keeper (a text message will suffice). This is in regards to fire arms safety.

The short steep route to Loch Caorach is no longer available as a wind turbine transformer station has been built across it.

Additional information

  • 10" minimum.
  • The boat is berthed at the west side of Seilge.
  • No dogs, fires or camping.
  • Beware submerged rocks in Seilge, particularly around the island.
  • Display DFFA Membership Card in parked car.
  • Park in designated area.
  • Display DFFA Membership Card in car windscreen.
  • Access to Seilge and Caorach via the track leading uphill from the parking area.
  • Close any gates on route.
  • The DFFA boat is berthed on Loch Seilge but Loch Caorach may be fished from the bank.
  • The let only allows fishing on these two lochs.

Map and locations

Touch here to open the starting point on your mobile device's mapping app.

History of the loch

By Gordon Douglas

It requires a hard slog up the hill from the Strath Halladale road to reach the gentler slope which leads to Caorach ann further on to Seilge. A track of sorts was made some years ago when a water holding tank was constructed on the lower side of the slope but the going was tough. There being only one boat on the loch, belonging to Melvich Hotel, bank fishing was the modus operandi. If lucky enough to obtain a hire boat, at least two anglers were required – one to bale while the other fished. Caorach is dammed at the outlet part of the water supply system and since Seilge is connected to it by a short burn there is no problem with fluctuating water levels. Both lochs hold good fish which, in the right conditions, are free rising. The news that DFFA had secured a let on the loch was welcome. A good walk and a day rowing or bank fishing being just the thing to sort the men from the boys. However the estate keeper will, for a modest fee, transport parties to the lochs and back at the end of the day.

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